Anyone going through egg donation IVF is focused on one thing... falling pregnant and having that little miracle. One thought which you are definitely NOT having at this time, is the planning of your (possible) next child! If you are lucky enough to have twins or perhaps additional embryos that can be frozen then planning for a second, biologically related sibling does not require too much though. However, experience has taught us that so often when parents do return to us to secure the same donor for a genetically linked sibling, it’s often too late. Donors may decide to cease donating at some stage prior to when you plan and require the donation of that donor for another child. There are no ways to guarantee that your donor will be available when you are ready and require her again. One way in which you can secure her eggs before you require them, is egg freezing. Egg freezing is now available in South Africa and is an option for the upfront planning of a second biologically related ...