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Myths about third party reproduction


Using third-party reproduction - egg donation - can be an emotional process. 

While IVF has become increasingly well-recognized and discussed in popular media, third-party reproduction hasn’t received quite as much attention. This means there are some minor misconceptions regarding egg donation.

Here are some myths about using third-party reproduction to start or grow your family:

Myth #1: There’s something wrong with me

Many times when intended parents learn they are unable to conceive traditionally, they feel lacking in some way. But the truth is, everyone’s journey to parenthood is different, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Thankfully with the major breakthrough in reproductive science, it has made the path to parenthood more accessible than ever before. Everyone deserves the opportunity to create their own family, and everyone’s journey is valid.

Myth #2: Will it really be my baby

Many many adoptive families all over the world know that love is about way more than just genetic material. Studies have shown that parent-child bonding relies on lots of different factors other than shared DNA. And beyond that, the bonding process can look different for each family, even from child to child. It’s normal to feel a strong bond as soon as the pregnancy starts. It’s just as normal to not feel that bond right away. The most important thing is that a baby born from third-party reproduction is absolutely your baby because you chose to bring it into the world. That desire and love is what makes a family – everything else is extra.

Myth #3: Egg donors do it just to make money

Because egg donors are young women, and because they receive compensation for their time and commitment, the misconception exists that donors are just looking to make some quick money, or that the process takes advantage of young women in financial need. The reality is though that a vast majority of egg donors generously choose to donate because they truly, sincerely wish to help intended parents have children, know of someone who has been in the same position, are already organ donors, or just feel the desire to give of themselves to another. The very strict screening process ensures that all egg donors are fully informed of the entire process, all ramifications, and any risks, so they can make fully educated decisions when becoming a donor. 


The brutal and honest truth: Gift ov life is here for you

The best way to dispel any fears or concerns about third-party reproduction is to learn about the process and understand it thoroughly.  


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