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2010 A year of Giving…become an Egg Donor

"You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give" Kahlil Gibran

There is no greater gift that a woman can give, then the gift of life. As we enter the second month of 2010 and some of those new year resolutions start to fade, egg donation is a selfless act that will forever be appreciated and may change the life of a woman in a way you can only imagine. Whether the donated compensation which you will receive matter to you or not, the act of giving touches the soul and remains forever appreciated.

Since the first pregnancy with egg donation in South Africa, performed at Cape Fertility Clinic, Cape Town in 1986, egg donation has become a regular and routine treatment over the past 22 years and the number of people seeking this form of fertility treatment has increased.

The statistics are that 33% of women older than 37 years, who present to a fertility clinic with infertility, will require the use of donor eggs to achieve a pregnancy. It is emotionally overwhelming for a woman to learn that she may have to use an egg donor to become a parent. She then often decides to approach a fertility agency in search of a suitable egg donor.
Egg donation in South Africa is safe and confidentially. Egg donors do not meet or know the identity of the recipient parents and vice versa.
Egg Donors are medically and psychologically screened to confirm that they are ideal egg donor candidates. Egg donors are treated by the top fertility specialists in the country and are given suitable medication to stimulate egg development. Egg donation does not adversely affect the egg donor’s fertility.
On the day of egg retrieval the matured eggs will be collected via the vagina via a "suction" device. The egg donor is under conscious sedation for about 20 minutes and will feel nothing. There is no cutting.

As one of our 90 egg donors recently wrote:
"My egg donating experience with Giftovlife was absolutely wonderful!
I have always wanted to add to other’s lives and thus was able to have the opportunity to donate my eggs to help another angel in this world, have a family! Definitely an experience I will never forget and I will treasure all my life!"
Her recipient woman is currently pregnant with a little girl. What a gift!
Gift ov life Egg Donation and Surrogacy – is a fertility agency offering an egg donation and surrogacy program.


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